How to identify Treasure Hunts (Hot Wheels)?

how to identify treasure hunts

How to identify Treasure Hunts Hot Wheels?

Hot Wheels STH and TH

How to identify Treasure Hunts? What do you need to check to identify them? Many new collectors always question this. And it’s not a difficult thing to do. You just have to know what to look for in the card and in the miniature. 

The Hot Wheels Treasure Hunts have fascinated collectors since they were released in 1995. The series have changed over the years, but the hunt never ends. From running to the stores to searching over the web, collectors seem to be attracted to the models released every year in the series. And new collectors always seem confused and don’t know how to spot them among the regular models. I hope this helps you to understand how you can identify them.

See below how to identify current models (from 2015 on). If you want to know how to identify models prior to 2015, read this article:

The Treasure Hunts line was released in 1995. This series had a better finish, with spectraflame paint and rubber tires.

In 2007 the line was split into two series: Treasure Hunts (TH) and Super Treasure Hunts (STH). The THs had regular wheels and paint (similar to the basic line). The STH had wheels with rubber tires (same from the Real Riders), in addition to spectraflame paint.  

From 2013 on, the THs showed a symbol painted in the miniature: a circle with a flame. The STHs had a stylized TH.

And finally, in 2015, a symbol was added to the card: a circle with a flame in silver for TH, and gold for STH.

Check here the list of Super Treasure Hunts released year by year.

Thanks to André Schwartz and Flávio for the photos.

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